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Astrology. Witchery. Spirituality.

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New Moon in Cancer (09/10 July)

The Sun and the Moon are both sitting in the constellation of Cancer. Cancer is literally ruled by the Moon, and deals with feeling “at...

Astro Week XXII (O1 - 06 July)

Last Quarter Moon in Aries (01 July) Third Quarter Moons (and after that, the waning moon) are usually a time for slowing down, banishing...

Super Full Moon in Capricorn (24 June)

This is going to be the last Super Full Moon of the year, traditionally known as the Strawberry Full Moon. This is happening as the Sun...

Astro Week XX - 14 - 20 June

Saturn Square Uranus (14 June) Saturn and its glyph; Uranus and its glyph This aspect has already occurred this year back on the 17th of...

Astro Week XIX - Mars in Leo

We introduced Mars in AW ep. 6, and Leo in the Full Moon in Leo reading, if you wish to check those videos out. Mars and its glyph; Fire...

AW XVI - Jupiter in Pisces

We introduced Jupiter in ep.1 - ruler of Sagittarius, it talks about travels, higher learning, spirituality, expansion. Jupiter's glyph...

New Moon in Taurus (11/12 May)

Let us begin by explaining what happens during a New Moon. To put it simply, the moon and the sun are in conjunction (side by side) in...

Full Moon in Scorpio

This Full Moon is occurring on 26/27th of April (dates vary depending on where you live). Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign, ruled by Pluto....

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Pixie Moons

Reiki for Good Luck 💚

2022.10.04 - Channelled message - Bully relatives ‼️

Good Luck reiki 💚💫

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