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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week XVIII - Venus in Cancer; Last Quarter Moon in Pisces

Venus in Cancer (02 June)

We presented Venus in AW ep. 2, 5 and 15 and briefly introduced Cancer in ep. 13

Venus glyph; the planet itself; Water element; Cardinal mode; the Cancer symbol

Venus enters the caring, nurturing Cardinal and Watery sign of Cancer, and will remain there until 27 June.

This placement is going to have us ask ourselves and assess where we stand when caring for others and caring for ourselves, and how we make space for each, and show compassion.

There needs to be, of course, a balance - the saying “you cannot pour from an empty cup” makes a lot of sense here, especially since Cancer is a Water sign as we mentioned earlier.

Cancer rules over the 4th House of Home, Family and Security. We might be feeling a pull to reconnect, or connect on a deeper level with our actual family, or our chosen family, our tribe, people who may not be tied to us by blood but feel like home to us.

Venus ruling over not only relationships but also finances and valuables, so it will be beneficial to reflect on how we can bring more emotional security to those areas, and what that means to us.

Cancer being ruled bu the Moon, which is tied to our emotions, it will not be surprising if we feel a bit more sensitive than usual, or if we feel the need to express or release our feelings. Take the time to sit with your self and your feelings, journal, have a good cry if you need to, or pamper yourself with a long soak. Water is associated with cleansing so do not hesitate to connect with it when the need arises. Swimming, spending time near a body of a water or even painting (watercolors, anyone?) will be activities that will help you release what needs to be let go of.

Again, my recommendation if you want to go further with this, is to check where Venus is in your natal chart and what it means for you. In my case, I have Venus in Cancer, which explains why I was a crybaby when I was young and why I wrote tons of bad poetry XD

Last Quarter Moon in Pisces (02 June)

Last Quarter Moon symbol; Mutable mode; Water element; Pisces glyph

We have talked about Third Quarter Moons before - a time for release especially in this Mutable, Watery sign of Pisces (Water again!).

Cleansing is definitely on the menu . Pick anything that calls out to you. It will be perfect because you chose it for your Self. If you need more ideas, you can check out AW ep. 6, 10, and 14.

With those two planets in watery signs on the same day, our intuition will be stronger and louder, so we won’t be able to ignore it. We will have, dare I say it - we will have to go with the flow :p

What should you focus on for this Last Quarter Moon? What should you release?

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