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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week XXII (O1 - 06 July)

Last Quarter Moon in Aries (01 July)

Third Quarter Moons (and after that, the waning moon) are usually a time for slowing down, banishing people, situations, habits that are unhealthy or even downright toxic. Release the old, the bad, and the ugly.

The fact that it’s happening in the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries means that the element of fire can be very helpful in releasing anything that doesn’t align or resonate with you any longer.

You could sit in meditation, journal, or simply lie down and be. Notice if you feel any resistance or tension in your body, and ask yourself where it could have come from.

Make a list of anything that comes up. Since this is also a time to look after yourself, you could soak in a nice bath with bath salts, a bath bomb, anything that could help you feel more relaxed. Light up some candles, have some music on - again, your body will let you know what to do.

During that time, you could go over your list, and burn it once your are out while setting an intention (you can do this out loud) to be freed from the things you mention.

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