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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini (29th May - 22nd June)

It is that time of the year! the infamous and sometimes dreaded Mercury Gatorade.

It’s happening for three weeks as usual and this time, it’s in the Mutable Air sign of Gemini.

Mercury (and its glyph) will be in the Mutable Air Sign of Gemini

This is happening while Saturn is Rx in Aquarius [AW17]; Pluto is Rx in Cap [AW14]; and Juno is Rx in Sag [AW11].

At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Sun and the Moon also went into retrograde XD

The pre-retrograde period started about two weeks prior, and the retroshade period (after the retrograde) will also last for about two weeks. This is when the effects of the retrograde start getting weaker.

We already experienced (and survived) one retrograde back in February, when Mercury was slowly moving through the sign of Aquarius.

The good news is that there is only one retrograde left after this one, in October, in the sign of Libra.

“As usual”, expect delays, communication problems, difficulties with expressing anything in general. Careful not to get dragged into conversations we wish to avoid or spend more time than necessary explaining our point of view, especially if we feel wronged in any way.

Retrogrades are a great time for reviewing, revising, revisiting and drawing lessons from what we have learnt - this might literally be the case with this Rx in Gemini, since it is a curious sign who loves to learn, express itself, and write amongst other things. Journalling might become your best friend during this period (if it isn’t a part of your routine already).

Having routines, as a matter of fact, will be one of the ways we can deal with this retrograde in a more effective manner. Remembering to ground and/or meditate as often as possible will also be helpful. Finally taking some time off for oneself will definitely be beneficial. Take it slow and don’t judge yourself (or others).

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