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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week XX - 14 - 20 June

Updated: Jun 17, 2021

Saturn Square Uranus (14 June)

Saturn and its glyph; Uranus and its glyph

This aspect has already occurred this year back on the 17th of February, and will take place one more time on the 23rd/24th of December.

What is likely to happen? the planet of rules and discipline (Saturn) is still retrograde in one of the signs it resides over (the Air sign of Aquarius), and the planet of change (Uranus) is in stable Taurus.

Saturn is basically teaching us to do things by the book, while Uranus teaches us to do things unconventionally, so you can see why we are feeling pulled in opposite directions. This is likely to bring about change, at personal and collective levels, not specifically on the day it occurs, but most likely to play out over the next few months until Saturn goes direct in October.

The rules are being redefined both internally and externally; traditions, technology and freedoms are being affected and reshaped into new models. A lot of things will feel unknown - because they are. Completely new patterns are emerging and cannot be understood through old, “tried and tested” ways of measuring things. Remember to keep an open mind when confronted with things that seem to come from out of nowhere or that don’t seem to make sense initially.

Jupiter Rx in Pisces (20 June)

We introduced Jupiter, ruler of Sag and planet of knowledge, luck and expansion, in AW ep. 1., and in ep. 16 we talked about the transit he is undertaking in the Mutable Water sign of Pisces.

The planet Jupiter, the Retrograde glyph and the Pisces symbol

Jupiter is staying in Pisces, but entering a retrograde phase, which means his revolution is slowing down considerably. This will last for about 4 months, until he goes direct on 17th October, and will end in the Fixed Air sign of Aquarius.

What does this mean for us? well for one, all this expansive, optimistic and generous energy is now going to be focused inwards. This is likely to affect you more if you have Sag, Pisces and/or Aquarius in your direct chart (Sun, Moon, Rising and Venus).

All this inner activity is going to be beneficial for getting rid of anything that is hindering your growth, such as negative routines and habits. This is all happening in order to clear your path to success.

Sun in Cancer (20 June)

On 21st June, and until the 22nd of July, the Sun is entering the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer.

Cardinal symbol, Water element, the Cancer glyph

We introduced Cancer in AW ep. 13. Cancer rules the 4th house of Home and Security, and is reputed for being caring and creative.

We might feel the need, during this transit, to spend more time with family, or at home, making our homes look cosier, expressing our affection to our loved ones.

Since Cancer is a Water sign, we might feel called to spend some time at the beach, near a lake, at the swimming pool, places like that.

Watch out for possible melancholia as well as Cancerians are notoriously known for being moody (not saying you guys are all moody, you’re just very close to your emotions).

First Quarter Moon in Virgo (17 June)

First Quarter Moon glyph; the Virgo symbol

As usual, we end with the moon phase, this time it is a FQM in the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo.

First quarter moons are also a great time to step into action, as we just had a New Moon in the fellow Mercurial and Mutable sign of Gemini the week before.

Virgo has to do with routine, detailed work, diet and environmental issues. So this might be the time to change your daily habits, what you eat, or even the impact of your carbon footprint. It can be a tiny change, or a big one, you decide.

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