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AW XVI - Jupiter in Pisces

We introduced Jupiter in ep.1 - ruler of Sagittarius, it talks about travels, higher learning, spirituality, expansion.

Jupiter's glyph and the planet.

It is interesting to notice that, before the discovery of Neptune, Jupiter was designated ruler of Pisces - so it should feel at home in this sensitive, creative, compassionate Water sign during this transit, that will be undergoing until 28 July.

The dreamy aspect of Pisces supported by the expansive aspect of Jupiter, we will be called to ride the waves with more grace. We will be feeling uplifted by this transit, more receptive, more optimistic and more motivated to change our lives for the better, and more likely to follow our intuition without double-guessing ourselves.

It wouldn’t be surprising either if more people around you started “awakening”, and even yourself - you might feel your third eye opening more and your abilities expanding. Just allow for it to happen without judging it. If other people around you are going through spiritual changes, try and be there for them if they need support.

Mutable glyph; the Water element.

Pisces being a Mutable sign, this will also encourage us to be more flexible in our approach should challenges arise (and we all know they are likely to!).

The limitless nature of Jupiter will nonetheless require us to rein in and focus, to find the balance between structure and expansion.

This transition can be considered as a teaser for things to come in 2022 as Jupiter will spend more time in its watery abode.

As usual, I close with the recommendation to check where Pisces is in your natal chart, and which sign Jupiter is in, so you can understand better how this transit affects you personally.

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