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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week XXIII - Mercury in Cancer (11 - 26 July)

Mercury glyph; the planet; the Cancer symbol

Let’s quickly recap Mercury - planet of communication, thoughts, fast movement, ruler of Gemini and Virgo. It is now moving out of one of its homes (Gemini) to enter the watery abode of the Crab.

Expect things, communications, and information in general to sink in more deeply. We are also likely to feel more intuitive, which can cause some “chafing” as Mercury likes to use logic and wants to explain everything, “gut feelings” sometimes just don’t cut it. It is important for us to keep an open mind about the intuitive insights we receive.

Since Cancer deals with the Home and feeling of Safety, we will be certainly be more prone to looking inwards rather than outwards.

We often say this as well, but Cancer is a sensitive, emotional, caring sign - those qualities are going to be helpful in softening the somewhat sharp edges of Mercury, as overthinking and being blunt are aspects that are often present in Mercurials.

As a result we might feel more open to vulnerability, and letting our guard down when we feel it is safe to do so, therefore creating deeper and more genuine connections. We might also express our feelings more lovingly than usual, especially towards the people we are closest to.

We might take things more personally than usual, and have a hard time being detached and trying to be objective.

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