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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week XXIV - Pallas Rx Pisces, Chiron Rx Aries, Vesta in Libra, FQM Libra (14 - 20 July)

Pallas Rx in Pisces (14.07 - 08.11)

Pallas Athena is one of the asteroids orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. She is associated with Wisdom and Knowledge.

Pallas glyph, Retrograde symbol, Pisces

It is currently placed in the constellation of Pisces and is now going retrograde for a few months.

This particular retrograde is going to be about solving differences in a peaceful and balanced way, but also finding balance within our feminine and masculine. We might be feeling a lot of intuitive hits. Pay special attention to your dreams if you can remember them.

We might also feel pulled to deepen our knowledge of all things esoteric and/or mystical. It will be a good time to connect or reconnect to your spirituality and meditate, ground, and get to know your spirit guides, if you are so inclined of course.

This transit in Pisces also emphasises our love for the Art, we might therefore feel called to express ourselves through singing, dancing, playing music, painting, or any kind of Art expression we feel comfortable in.

Chiron Rx in Aries (15.07 - 19.12)

Chiron is a stellar body situated between Saturn and Uranus. It is named after the centaur who could heal others but not himself, and is therefore known as “The Wounded Healer”.

Some say it’s an asteroid, others a comet, others a small planet. According to Wiki it exists somewhere between a small planet and a comet (meaning it’s mostly made of ice).

Chiron is going to be retrograde in the sign of Aries for a while. We should be aware that some situations are likely to come up and make us feel vulnerable or sensitive. Situations that we have already experienced several times. It is going to be the opportunity to take on the challenge and show that we have learnt the lesson of those repeating patterns.

From taking action (with the fire of Aries) on that, we can gain experience, knowledge and wisdom.

How we choose to respond and move forward, take responsibility for ourselves, defines how we envision freedom and how we position ourselves regarding topics such as conventionalism, restrictions, non-conformity and stagnation.

In short - bringing ourselves a little bit closer to our personal truth.

Vesta in Libra (19 July - 20 Sep)

Another asteroid, Vesta, sister of Pallas, is moving from Virgo to Libra.

We talked about her in AW ep.1 & 13. She is basically connected to the home and the hearth.

Now in Libra, she’s focusing on domestic matters and partnerships.

We could also feel pulled to seek out new career options, something that makes us feel more comfortable, something more in connection to our true selves.

First Quarter Moon in Libra (17 July)

First quarter moon symbol; Libra; Cardinal sigil; the Air sign glyph

First quarter moons are the time to start working towards your goals and take action on your manifestations. This one is happening in the Cardinal Air sign of Libra and Air energy moves very fast.

Air energy is connected to self-expression and communications, so anything you want to manifest that has to do with those particular themes will get an extra boost.

Maybe it is public speaking, creative writing, painting, anything where you can reach out to people and touch them in any way, since Libra is all about connections and serving others.

So get going! start writing that speech, novel, short story, start that piece, get the info you need and start networking.

If you don’t recognize yourself in this, then there is something else you have an idea about. Go ahead and take the first steps towards what you want because if you don’t go after the things you really want, they will never get to you.

This FQM in Libra is also calling us to find the right balance and harmony between work and personal life.

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