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Astro Week XIX - Mars in Leo

Updated: Jun 17, 2021

We introduced Mars in AW ep. 6, and Leo in the Full Moon in Leo reading, if you wish to check those videos out.

Mars and its glyph; Fire element; Leo symbol

Mars is moving out of the waters of Cancer and into the Fixed Fire sign of Leo. But do not fear this fire! this is the fire of creation and the passion of creativity. This is undeniably a position of power for Mars.

Leo is a very playful sign, and also likes to be in charge of things. We will definitely feel the need to express our feelings in a bold and colourful manner. Some of us will want to be front and centre-stage, and some of us even more so than usual - nothing wrong there! remember you are the star of your own show. You are the main character, so you can take this time to kindly remind others around you.

We will also be called to pursue whatever lights us up and have fun in all areas of our lives. We will feel the courage to take action towards our dreams, and we will be enthusiastic enough to believe in them - and in ourselves.

Quite a few of us will also be called to step up and lead - now is the time! be fully committed in this endeavour. Be your most regal self, command attention and respect and lead by example.

With all this fire going on we will be feeling confident - careful however not to be too proud or over-confident - if you talk the talk, you also need to walk the walk. And try to keep your head cool when your ego is bruised.

This transit will last until the 29 July.

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