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Astro Week XII - Stellium in Taurus; Mercury Square Pluto

Venus in Taurus (14th April)

We introduced Venus in AW ep.2. This beautiful planet rules over Taurus and Libra. It deals with our values and valuables, aesthetics, relationships in general, and the senses.

Clockwise from top left - Venus' glyph and planet, Libra and Taurus symbols

On the 14th of April, and until the 8th of May, she will be stationed into one of the signs she rules - namely, Taurus.

What does this mean for us? Well, we will be more drawn towards earthy things - good food, worthwhile moments with loved ones, connecting with Nature, having the best that life can offer.

We won’t be afraid to go the extra mile and pay a little bit more for something that is better quality rather than settling for a cheap option.

In relationships, we’ll be going steady. Earth signs are generally speaking very loyal and committed, so it wouldn’t be surprising if some of us met their future partner during this transit.

Mercury Square Pluto

The 17th of April might feel a bit (or very) intense and dense for some of us.

First, Mercury will be sextile (60 degrees apart) with Jupiter and Mars, which could cause an impulse for higher knowledge, learning something new and staying uplifted.

First line - Mercury glyph and planet; the sextile symbol

Second line - Jupiter glyph and planet, Mars Last line - Mars glyph

Second, on the same day, it will also form a square to Pluto in Capricorn. Yes, the planet of rebirth, money and obsessive behaviour, in the sign of work, discipline and karma.

Clockwise from left - Pluto and its glyph, the Square sigil, the Capricorn symbol

Careful not to go down a never-ending spiral of repeating the same thoughts and replaying the same reels in our heads on that day! try to shake things off and call on the fire of Mars to help you out of that rut.

Mercury in Taurus (19th April)

The planet of Communication and Logic will be in the Earth sign on the same day as the Sun.

Taurus is a Fixed (meaning stable) sign, and Mercury is all about movement, so them joining forces might sound a bit odd. The combined powers of Air and Earth actually complement each other and help ideas get more grounded and fully fleshed out. There is a lot less restlessness in our thinking; thoughts slow down - but careful they do not become too dense or heavy.

When Air cannot move freely, it becomes trapped wind, and no one likes that :p

The Sun in Taurus

The Sun and its symbol

Taurus babies, this is your season! apart from the usual stubbornness and connection to the senses everyone talks about, it’s time to get ready to work hard, but also rest hard. If the mood is spending the whole day lounging on the sofa in a onesie binge watching Netflix - take the day off. You deserve it. Taurus loves intimate settings, so quality time by your Self or with a small group of friends is to be expected.

Earth energy is slower and denser - it always reminds me of the saying “good things take time”. There is no need to race.

Our eye for all things beautiful will definitely be attracted to pleasing sights, we might even spend some time creating Art, singing (Taurus rules over the throat) or definitely investing in owning something aesthetic that’s going to stand the test of time.

Also expect to feel closer to Nature - taking hikes, doing some gardening, cooking your own food, being more eco-friendly, the list goes on.

Careful however when irritated not to see the proverbial red! Tauri get angry slowly but once they’re off, you don’t want them charging towards you! Try to cool down and leave the situation if you can.


Thus, from the 19th onwards and until the 03rd of May, we will be having a stellium (or a congregation of planets in the same sign), in this case, Taurus.

As well as Venus and Uranus (who has been in Taurus since the 14th of January, and will stay there all of this year), Mercury and the Sun are joining the party.

Chances are, things will be odder than usual - what was volatile might turn more stable, serendipity might strike, unexpected opportunities might appear. Again, Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign known for its stubbornness. So things might feel slower than usual, or some paths might feel blocked.

It would be a good idea to see if you have Taurus in your direct chart (Sun, Moon, Rising or Venus), and in which House this stellium is happening. Taurus rules the 2nd House generally speaking, but it is different for everyone. I for instance have Taurus in my 10th House of hard work, discipline and reputation.

Also check out where the aforementioned planets show up in your chart. My Mercury and Venus for example are both in Cancer. It will probably be more varied for most of you. It would also be interesting to see what those transits mean for you and how they affect your interactions with others.

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