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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week XXV - Venus in Virgo; Sun in Leo; Mercury in Leo

Venus in Virgo (21 July - 10 Sept)

Venus glyph and planet; the sign of Virgo

The planet of finances, relationships, valuables and values is entering the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo.

Virgo deals with routines, health, the environment. They are generally hyper-focused on details and highly organised in one or more areas of their lives.

Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign

Venus in Virgo is a kind of practical love - rather than with words, we will choose to show our affection through acts of kindness and down-to-earth gestures like runnings errands - day-to-day things we don’t usually do, but should!

Being of service is also something we will be called to do. Our affection and the way we express it need to make sense for this Mercurial sign.

Careful however not to be guilty if you over-indulge, or to report that feeling to your partner and start nitpicking or overly criticise. That’s not a cute look :p

Overthinking the relationship can also be something to watch out for as it can potentially endanger the connection with your partner.

Leo Season (22 July - 23 Aug)

Happy birthday to all the Leo babies!! The Sun in Leo is more likely than not going to have us feel braver, more confident; you might find a spring in your step, a smile on your face, shoulders back, chin up, hair in the wind if you have any :p Since Leos are ruled by the Sun. They represent the 8th House of entertainment, children,

Leos generally enjoy being the centre of the attention, sometimes acting up or being overly dramatic, but in a playful way. They are charming, witty, and love to entertain.

They also love passionately - whether that is their partners, their pets, family, jobs - they are all about go big or go home.

So that is overall the energy we might be feeling during this hot Leo season, especially those of us who have Leo in their direct chart - Sun, Moon, Rising and even Venus.

Careful however not to be too extra or cocky - know when to tone it down and remain humble no matter what.

Mercury in Leo (27 July - 11 Aug)

The planet Mercury; the Leo glyph

Then a few days later, our beloved planet of short trips, communication and self-expression is taking up residence in this beautiful Fiery sign.

We will definitely be called to be brave and speak from the heart during this transit. Some of us will be feeling bold and lively for sure. We want to be heard and are ready to roar if need be.

Again, careful with all that fire not to speak harsh words or be too proud to listen to others. Keep talking about the things you love rather than the things you don’t and everything should be fine!

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