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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

New Moon & Eclipse in Gemini (10th June)

On 10th of June, the New Moon in Gemini is taking place. And there is also an Annular eclipse. This means that the moon will come between the Sun and the Earth. So the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as they are opposite each other.

This is the second out of four eclipses we’re having this year. We usually have between 4 to 6 eclipses every year. It will only be observable from certain places and for a few minutes.

Since this is happening in the sign of Gemini, which is a mutable sign, it is most likely to affect those also born under a Mutable sign - Gem, Sag, Pisces and Virgo.

Pisces, Gems, Virgos and Sags are Mutable signs

Gemini is a curious sign who loves to learn, communicate, have fun, express itself; it is an Air sign as most of you know, and the element of Air rules over our thinking processes and patterns. This eclipse in particular, being a Solar eclipse instead of a Lunar one, will move us away from known, ancestral and/or karmic patterns, and open a door or portal for us to step into the unknown.

I know it sounds scary, but remember it is all happening for your own well-being and personal growth.

Since we are talking about the mind, we need to pay close attention to the way this eclipse is going to be likely to affect us on psychological, spiritual and professional levels. It is recommended that we spend some time in observation or meditation and gain closure where it is needed.

Note that the effect of an Eclipse are said to last for up to six months.

Remember to rest as this could leave you extremely drained. Stay hydrated as well.

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