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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

New Moon in Taurus (11/12 May)

Let us begin by explaining what happens during a New Moon.

To put it simply, the moon and the sun are in conjunction (side by side) in the same constellation - this time in Taurus, which is a fixed Earth sign, ruled by Venus.

1st row - the Conjunction symbol; the Sun and its glyph 2nd row - New Moon symbol; the Moon glyph and the Moon herself

This placement is reminding us to take care of our bodies and that of Gaia.

Clockwise from left - Venus glyph and the planet; Taurus symbol; Fixed sigil; the Earth element

If you’re trying to manifest something into the 3D world, do not give up, persistence is your best asset - Tauri are known to be persistent (some may say stubborn :p).

This is a time for great change as you might have been feeling over the last few weeks.

It is important to be clear and use visualisation when you set intentions.

It is an open door for new beginnings and limitless possibilities.

This is all happening while Pluto is in retrograde in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus, which is calling for groundedness, while at the same time Mercury and Venus are in Gemini, which is making us feel a bit more flexible and light.

Top to bottom and left to right - Uranus and its glyph; Mercury and its glyph; the Gemini symbol; the Retrograde sigil; the Capricorn symbol; Pluto and its glyph

We will be called to enrich ourselves, in mind and body.

Those earthy and airy energies will help us improve our lives and take them to the next level.

We are thinking long term with this Pentacle energy, at least up to six months until the Full Moon in Taurus on 19th Nov.

All in all it will be a propitious time to assess all that has been done, the changes that have taken place over the last few months or even years, to recalibrate (if needed) where we want to go.


Tarot - V (hierophant); knowledge and marriage/husband

Crystals - Black moonstone (a good stone to work with during the new moon), green aventurine, emerald, turquoise, jade.

First row - Jade; Green Aventurine; Turquoise

Second row - Emerald; Black Moonstone

Herbs/Tea - thyme, sage, mint.

Essential Oils - cypress, peppermint, ylang-ylang.

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