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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Super Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (26th May)

We briefly introduced Sag in ep. 11.

Sagittarius is governed by Jupiter (currently in Pisces - AW16) . It is a Mutable Fire sign,

the opposite sign to Gemini (and this is Gem season btw - AW17)

Jupiter's glyph and planet; the Mutable mode; the Fire element; Sag symbol.

This is also exactly what’s happening - the Sun is sitting opposite the Moon, which is why we’re having a Full Moon, as the light of the Sun is reflected by the Moon.

The Sun and its symbol; the opposition glyph; the moon symbol and the planet.

Pay particular attention to your hips and thigh as those organs are ruled by Sagittarius.

Not only is this a Super Full Moon, it is also Total Lunar Eclipse (or Blood Moon as they are called, after the colour the moon seems to take on during that time).

Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse sigils

Regardless of the Eclipse, this Full Moon is also usually called a Flower Moon, after all the blooms that can be seen around that time (at least in the Northern Hemisphere).

It will affect you more if like me, you are a Sag Moon or any of the Mutable signs (Sag, Gem, Pisces, Virgo).

Bear in mind that another eclipse will take place in approximately 6 months’ time in the opposite sign of Gemini. Stay tuned for that episode of Astro Week.

Bear in mind you might not be able to see the eclipse, depending on where you are in the world. Also it probably only last for a few minutes and not the whole night, so the Full Moon will be seen eventually.

As most of you already know, Full Moons are a time of completion, for you to reap the fruits of the seeds you planted a few weeks ago.

Because there is an Eclipse, things, or people, who are not an alignment with your highest and greatest good will be eclipsed, either by you, or by the Universe. It will all fall organically by the wayside - or sometimes not so organically - but all for your sake.

The best thing, and perhaps also the hardest, sometimes, you can do is to go with the flow. Attachment and resistance will only make things more difficult.

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