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Astro Week XVII (First Quarter Moon in Leo; Sun in Gem; Saturn Rx in Aquarius)

Saturn Rx in Aqua (23 May)

This retrograde will last until 10 October.

We introduced Aqua in ep. 1 and briefly talked about Saturn in ep.4.

Saturn and its glyph; it is the ruler of Capricorn

Saturn is considered the “father” of the zodiac. It wouldn’t be surprising if reoccurring themes regarding our relationships with our fathers or the father figures in our lives pop up. Issues will need closure otherwise the cycle will keep on repeating itself until the lesson is learnt. Saturn talks about karmic lessons, karmic rewards and even karmic relationships.

It is also the ruler of Capricorn and the shared ruler of Aquarius, which is the sign this retrograde is taking place in.

Saturn has to do with hard work, success, career, reputation, disciplines, boundaries, so those are the areas to pay close attention to during this retrograde.

Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign, so some of the more severe aspects of Saturn might feel a bit lighter.

Aquarius is a Air sign, and its modality is Fixed.

For those reasons, a lot people fear Saturn or their Saturn return.

It is not about you entering a world of pain (Big Lebowski?); it does shake you up a bit, but for your own good. Think of it as building character :p

Check your chart to see which house/sign Saturn is in and how this retrograde will affect you on a more personal level.

Sun in Gem (20 May)

The Sun and its glyph; Gemini is a Mutable Air sign

This is it, the best time of the year for us Gems - it’s our season!! it’s our time to shine bright (I mean, anytime is good really, but more so now). For those of you who are unfortunately not Geminis :p you will be feeling the lightness and fun of this Mutable Air sign.

We talked about Gemini more in detail in AW14, but basically, get ready to feel more sociable, curious and... scattered. We love doing 5 things at once, and learning about a bunch of stuff. I’d say we have too many interests sometimes, or at least I do :p

You might also feel chattier than usual, or overthink more than usual. This is perfectly normal, please do not panic or adjust your television sets. Just try and go with the wind (cos Air sign?).

First Quarter Moon in Leo (19 May)

Finally, or firstly depending on how you look at it, the moon will hit its first quarter on 19th May, and it will happen in the sign of Leo.

First quarter moons are a great time for taking action! especially with the Fire energy of Leo, it should give us the momentum we need to have the courage to take that step.

First Quarter Moon; Leo is a Fixed Fire sign

To help you in that respect, you could work with crystals such as carnelian, labradorite, black tourmaline, citrine or ruby.

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