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Astro Week XIV (Pluto Rx in Cap, Merc in Gem, Last Quarter Moon in Aqua)

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn (27 Apr)

1st line - Pluto and its two glyphs - 2nd line - Capricorn sigil; cardinal; earth

We haven’t properly introduced Pluto yet. Pluto is a dwarf planet, beyond the orbit of Neptune, and takes about 250 years to complete one revolution. Some of you will have noticed it was named after the Roman god of the Underworld.

It is the ruler of Scorpio and deals with other people’s money, and death & rebirth (as in Ego death, the “dark night of the Soul”), to name but a few topics of focus.

Despite its size and distance from us, however, Pluto possesses great power and intensity. It is one of the “infamous” planets (along with Mercury and Saturn) because it asks us to look inward and transform.

Capricorn is the 10th sign of the Zodiac. It is a Cardinal Earth sign ruled by Saturn. Its main points of focus are hard work, discipline, success and karmic rewards. The flipside is that Caps can be very demanding - especially of themselves. They have a tough time giving themselves a break. Their only objective is to climb to the top of that mountain and most of the time, they don’t care how they do it or if they are alone. Another thing to watch out for is an overactive mind that likes to delve into the depths of darkness, especially with Pluto ruling over obsessive thoughts.

During this retrograde, we will be called to reflect on matters regarding structure and stability, career and legacy. It will be the time to release anything that is blocking us from achieving our greatest potential and becoming the next best version of ourselves.

Keep in mind this is going to be a LONG retrograde (until 6th October). Remember to take it easy on, and be patient with, yourself.

Mercury in Gemini (03 May)

Mercury and its glyph

We presented Mercury in AW ep 2, but to be honest she needs no introduction.

The Gemini sigil; the Air element; the Mutable glyph

Gemini is the third sign and is a Mutable Air sign. Gemini is one of the two signs ruled by Mercury (the other one being Virgo), so this should be a very comfortable position for her.

Gemini is a fun, sharp, witty and curious sign. It wants to understand the world, and communicate, and exchange. It also governs the hands, so anything to do with healing, massaging, painting, playing instruments, drawing, knitting, the list goes on.

What does it mean for us when Mercury is in Gem? We will be feeling particularly communicative, sociable, we will want to share our ideas and study different topics, but not necessarily go in depth (it brings to mind the phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none” XD). We will be attracted to anything to do with words - puns (we Gems are notorious for puns), crosswords, poetry, books, you name it. It will be the time to read up on your favourite subject!

The downside is that we might feel scattered (mutable air sign, definitely all over the place) and have trouble focusing, as we like to multitask and jump from one thing to another, sometimes without any connection at all. Watch out for potential distractions you might be creating for your Self.

Of course, when we talk about Mercury, the next word that comes to mind is “Retrograde” :p Don’t worry about it just yet - Mercury WILL go retrograde, but not before a few weeks, and it will be in the same sign of Gemini. On a side note, all of Mercury retrogrades are occurring in Air signs this year; the last one will be at the end of September in the sign of Libra. Keep an eye out because we will be discussing those as well.

Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius (03 May)

We talked about the Fixed Air sign of Aqua in episode 1. This sign is asking us to be authentic to ourselves, to let our more extravagant side out and let our style do the talking in some cases.

Last quarter Moon in the Fixed sign of Aquarius

Last quarter moons also called Third Quarter Moon, occur when the Moon looks like a backwards D.

They are a good time to let things go, especially during this Pluto Rx in Cap where we are asked to do that anyway.

Anything that does not serve your highest and greatest good (and consequently that of others), anything that is hindering our creativity and standing in the way of our self expression.

I would recommend journalling, writing down anything that comes to mind, even if it seems like it’s going nowhere - a theme will emerge, and it will be personal to you. Something will feel narrow, like it doesn’t fit anymore. This last quarter moon occurring on the same day as Mercury enters Gemini, and in the sign of Aquarius, two Air signs - chances are the focus will be on expressing our selves and acquiring more knowledge, whether it has to do with us or with the world around us.

For those of you who do not enjoy writing, alternatives are talking - either recording your voice on your phone or making a private video to yourself. It might feel awkward and unusual to listen to or watch yourself but what is important is the message. You could also pull up a chair and sit in front of the mirror and have a chat with yourself. Anything you can think of is going to be perfect for you, since it’s tailor-made BY you.

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