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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Super Full Moon in Capricorn (24 June)

This is going to be the last Super Full Moon of the year, traditionally known as the Strawberry Full Moon.

This is happening as the Sun sits in the constellation of Cancer in opposition to the Moon in the polarity of Capricorn.

Cardinal glyph; Earth element; Capricorn symbol

Pay special attention to your backbone, joints, knees, skin, hair as those organs are ruled by Capricorn.

While Cancer is about the home, domesticity, private life, Capricorn deals with reputation, legacy and career. Questionings about our sense of duty, our discipline, our responsibilities are likely to surface especially if you are a Cap moon, or if you have Cap in your direct chart, or if are a Cardinal sign (Cap, Cancer, Aries or Libra).

Cancer, Libra and Aries are Cardinal signs.

It will be a good time to sit with yourself and think about what you would like to change in those areas - perhaps make a list, or a voice memo to yourself. Likewise if you are feeling any frustration regarding those topics (or anything else for that matter), let it out, make sure you express your feelings as the Moon has to do with our emotions.

This Full Moon is also asking us to take a look at where we are headed in life. Which direction are we moving into? Which direction would we like to move into?

Remember, amongst all this thinking, to also congratulate yourself on all the progress you have made as Full Moons are a time of completion of a cycle. What have you achieved during the last month? six months? year? take it as far back as you wish. Achievements have been unlocked professionally and internally, as minute as they might be, they deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated.

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