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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week XIII (Vesta Direct in Virgo, Mars in Cancer, First Quarter Moon in Leo)

Vesta going direct in Virgo (20th April)

We introduced Vesta in our very first episode, when she was going retrograde in the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo.

Now, about three months later, she’s going direct in the same sign. Vesta was the Roman goddess of the home, the hearth and the family, so astrologically speaking, those will be the areas we will zoom in.

It is interesting to note that she was mostly represented as a fire, or flames, rather than an actual individual. The fire itself symbolises purification and focus.

Vesta’s role varies depending on which sign (and element) she finds herself in.

For three months, until the 19th of July, she will be direct in Virgo. We will then be able to harness her energy for any project we might be working on, whether in a team or independently. Concentration and attention to details will be the main areas she will be of help with.

Mars in Cancer (23rd April)

Until the 11th of June, the fiery planet of war and action, Mars, will be in the water sign of Cancer.

Cancer is mostly focused on the home, and protection - true to their crab reputation.

It might seem like an unconventional match, but all this water is going to tame the flames of Mars. Instead of being on the busy, proactive side, we will take a step back and feel more on the defensive. We might go after our goals in a more roundabout way rather than having a direct, frontal approach.

Watch out however for mood swings, as overwhelming situations might push us into retreating and reflecting. Analysing is always a good thing, but sitting in that energy for too long leads to over-analysing and being stuck in our heads. When such times arise, call onto the fire of Mars to help you shake things off.

First Quarter Moon in Leo (20th April)

This First Quarter Moon will be in the Fixed Fire sign of Leo.

First quarter moons are an excellent time for taking actions towards your goals and show how committed you are to completing them.

About a week ago, during the New Moon, we planted seeds of intention. It is now time to water them.

Remember to be grateful for what has come and what is yet to come. Your plan(t)s are taking root and being strengthened. There might be challenges ahead or happening right now, but stay confident in your manifesting abilities, and be ready to receive.

A ritual you can do would be to pull a card - whether Tarot or Oracle - and ask what you should focus on for the upcoming week, which is the time leading to the Full Moon. What should you keep doing? Remember your initial intention and ask Spirit how you can best help yourself.

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