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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week XV - Ceres in Taurus, Venus in Gem

Ceres in Taurus (08 May)

We introduced Ceres in AW ep.4, and we talked about her sisters - Pallas, Juno, and Vesta - orbiting the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Ceres is the equivalent of Demeter, the Goddess of Harvest & Agriculture, and represents all the physical things that connect us to this 3D world (money, food, shelter, clothes, our own bodies).

Clockwise from left - Ceres glyph; Taurus symbol; Earth element; Fixed modality

Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign, and those qualities suit it well, since they are both about nurturing.

Ceres is entering Taurus on 08 May and remaining there until 31st July. During that time, we will be called to pay more attention to the way we look after ourselves, how we cater to our basic needs, how we bring stability to our lives. Do we listen when our bodies call things to our attention? or do we keep pushing? do we treat ourselves when we feel like it, or to reward ourselves, or after hard work? (or sometimes before!)

Little rituals like lighting candles, taking a bubble bath, giving yourself a massage five minutes a day, making a cup of tea, all those help you feel better in yourself and ground you in your body. Again, listen to what your body is telling you, it will know what’s best for you.

Venus in Gemini (08 May)

On the same day, and until the 2nd of June, Venus will be entering the sign of the Twins.

This transit is going to make us feel flirty, witty, communicative, sociable, butterflying our way around. We will be attracted to words and intellect, knowledge over good looks. We could also appear fleeting or flakey because of the Mutable energy of Gemini.

Clockwise from left - Mutable modality; Gem glyph; Venus; the Air element; Venus sigil.

Careful however as there is also an edge with this Swords (Air) energy - we like having lots of fun, but we are also not here for the fuckery. We will cut short anything that we feel is making us waste our time.

Venus in Gem is a combination of the heart and the mind - we need someone who keeps us interested and mentally stimulated; someone optimistic and fun; someone with whom we can discover new places, experience new things, and share interests with in a way that makes us feel free but cherished at the same time.

Venus also rules values and valuables; while it’s in Gemini, it will nudge us to spend money on things that expand our horizons and enrich your lives, like books, films, documentaries, non-fiction, perhaps even games (like DuoLingo!), or even a piece of Art (since Venus is connected to Aesthetics) that you find eye-opening, something that takes you on a journey or that speaks to you on a personal level.

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