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Astrology. Witchery. Spirituality.

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Astro Week VIII - Sun & Venus in Aries

Sun in Aries (20 March - 21 April) Our most powerful star, the Sun, will be moving into the fire of Aries (if some of you were confused...

Astro Week VIII - Sun & Venus in Aries

Sun in Aries (20 March - 21 April) Our most powerful star, the Sun, will be moving into the fire of Aries (if some of you were confused...

g r e e n

Activation for Abundance, Heart Chakra clearing and balance, and Hope (helping us to move forward as we Create💫🌎) 💖 (thank you Yolanda...

Astro week I - 27 Jan-02 Feb '21

We are dealing with two main events - Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius, and Venus moving into the sign of Aquarius Mercury Rx in Aquarius...

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Pixie Moons

Pixie Moons

Reiki for Good Luck 💚

2022.10.04 - Channelled message - Bully relatives ‼️

Good Luck reiki 💚💫

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