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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week VI - Pallas in Pisces (from 07 March)

Let’s start first by introducing Pallas - one of the four asteroids in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. We have already mentioned her sisters Vesta [AW ep.1 on YT] and Ceres [AW ep.4]

Pallas Athena - her full name - is associated with strategy, wisdom, and justice. Her role is to temper aggressive instincts with reason and logic.

Pallas' glyph; the Pisces symbol

Pisces, as explained in AW ep. 4, is the Mutable Water sign, and the main star of this Zodiac season. It is a very intuitive, compassionate and creative sign.

When those two combine forces, we might find ourselves understanding things at a deeper level. It becomes all about trusting our intuition. Answers can and most probably will be delivered through nudges and dreams.

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