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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week V - Mars in Gemini (03 March - 23rd April)

Updated: Mar 6, 2021

First of all, let’s look at Mars. The ruler of Aries, and partial ruler of Scorpio (with Pluto), it deals with action, motivation, and leadership.

Mars' sigil, and the fiery planet itself. Gemini's glyph.

Gemini is the mutable Air sign (each element has one Mutable, one Cardinal, and one Fixed sign). It is quick-minded and focuses on intelligence, language and logic.

It also rules over the shoulders, arms, hands, and lungs.

Left: Fire glyph; right: Air glyph

Fire complements and activates Air. The fact that Gemini is very flexible (due to its mutability) and connected to communication means that we are going to be more inclined than usual to talk up a storm! especially during debates or arguments.

Gemini is also a curious sign (as in, it loves to discover new things). Mars transiting this sign will leave no room for boredom! We are thinking in new, diverse ways. Our brilliant ideas, combined with the force of Mars, are ready to be turned into reality! The challenge will be to remain focused on one thing and see it to completion, as the energy can feel scattered very fast.

Careful as well not to lose our temper. The fire of Mars joined with the quickness of Gemini can make things snappy and volatile.

As always, I recommend checking your chart to see which sign Mars transits in, and what it means for you.

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