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Astro Week IX - Full Moon in Libra (28 March)

Updated: Mar 30, 2021

During a full moon, the Sun and the Moon sit opposite each other. In this case, the Sun is in Aries, while the Moon sits in the constellation of Libra. This is called an opposition.

The opposition glyph

Those two signs are complementary - Aries deals with the Self. Libra is all about the Other. They are both Cardinal signs, one in the Fire element, the other one in the Air.

Clockwise from left - the Cardinal glyph, the Fire element symbol, the Libra glyph, the Air element symbol, the Aries glyph

Full moons are a time of completion - the last button to button, the full stop at the end of the sentence, if you will.

Full Moon Glyph

Things are at their pinnacle. It is a propitious time for releasing any outdated beliefs, stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, blockages, limitations.

It is also time to collect the fruit of our manifestations.

The seeds that were planted two weeks ago (or even six months ago, during the New Moon in the same sign), new ideas, projects, goals, are now ready to be picked and enjoyed. It is the time to celebrate our achievements in that regard.

This moon is called a Worm Moon, probably named that way after the worms coming out (at least in the northern hemisphere) of the ground as the weather gets warmer and the days get longer. The snows are melting, spring has started, flowers have begun to bloom, nature is waking up all around us. It is time to also wake up to the abundance and the infinite possibilities before us.

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