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Astro Week II - Saturn Sextile Chiron (09th February)

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

This week, the planet Saturn will be sextile with the asteroid Chiron on the 09th of February.

Let us start by explaining who Saturn and Chiron are.

Saturn is one of the biggest planets (with Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune) in our solar system, and rules over Capricorn.

It is associated with karma, hard work, discipline, rules and regulations.

Chiron is an asteroid, named after the centaur, who was also a healer versed into the science of medicinal herbs.

In astrology, he is called the “Wounded Healer” and has to do with how we heal our deepest spiritual wounds.

Those two forces will be sextile (meaning 60 degrees away from each other) three times this year (the other two times being in June and November). The overall energy will be similar to that of the Saturn/Uranus square that will occur on the 17th Feb (more on that in an upcoming post).

Saturn also representing the father, chances are we will be focusing on healing the wounds with male authority figures in our lives.

The hardest work to do is getting out of our own way and making the changes in our habits and routines that will benefit us in the long run. You also need to remember that healing takes time. It is more often that not a long process that involves continuous efforts.

The more aware we are of this, the easier it becomes to dive deep and have a clearer vision of our goals and purposes.

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