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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week IV - Venus in Pisces (25th Feb)

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

After transiting in Aquarius, Venus continues its course, now moving into Pisces.

Clockwise from left: Libra glyph, Taurus glyph, Venus and her glyph.

As stated in a previous entry Venus is the ruler of both Taurus and Libra.

This planet is connected to Aesthetics, relationships (romantic, partnerships and otherwise), but also material and personal values.

Pisces glyph, Water symbol

Pisces is a water sign, sensitive, intuitive and creative, so Venus should feel pretty comfortable in this constellation.

It is said that Venus is “exalted” when it is in Pisces - which signifies that Venus is sublimed, its qualities are shining brighter than ever.

While Venus is in Pisces we might feel more inspired, more atuned to what we perceive as beauty.

Forgiveness and compassion are also strong themes when it comes to this transit.

A strong pull towards a more spiritual kind of love, a deeper, meaningful connection - whether you are or not in a relationship - is also to be expected.

There is however a need to watch out for potential sacrifice (as in an unconditional love kind of sacrifice) and escapism (the need to wish the day away and live in a dream world).

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