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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week VIII - Sun & Venus in Aries

Sun in Aries (20 March - 21 April)

Our most powerful star, the Sun, will be moving into the fire of Aries (if some of you were confused and wondering if Aries was an Air sign... it isn’t! :p)

Happy birthday to all of you Aries babies!!

After all the daydreaming we did during Pisces season, it is now time to take action!

Clockwise from left: Cardinal sigil, fire symbol, the planet Mars, Mars glyph, Aries symbol

Aries is a cardinal sign, which means they enjoy getting things started (they are the first sign of the Zodiac, after all!), and leading others. It is ruled by Mars, which we talked about in AW ep.6.

As a result, we might be feeling bold, motivated, and even spontaneous!

Careful however not to be overbearing or so spontaneous that we forget to have a plan B and ram ;) our heads into a wall.

Another thing to watch out for is irritability! tempers can be short during Aries season, if things go too slow or not according to what we had in mind.

It is a time for new beginnings! go after the things that light you up!! and feel confident about it too. It is going to be the time to be fiercely independent, without having any regrets about it.

Venus in Aries (21 Mar - 14 Apr)

The planet Venus, and the Venus glyph

On the next day, the planet of beauty, love and relationships is also moving into the constellation of Aries, which means we are going to feel lit up, bold, spontaneous and daring in those areas.

Watch out, again, for impatience, irritability and frustration. We want to keep things moving and fresh under this influence. We have no time to lose. Expect things to be direct and to the point, and no sugar-coating either.

If you are not in a relationship (or don’t want to be!), the focus will be reported on your Self. It will be time to put your Self first, practice self-care and pamper your Self.

Venus also rules over values and assets - and what is your best asset, other than your Self?

Under this influence, we could well make big purchases that make us feel like royalty, like booking a holiday or buying that colourful couch we had been thinking about for months.

All in all, it will be about feeling fulfilled and free within ourselves, and with others.

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