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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro week I - 27 Jan-02 Feb '21

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

We are dealing with two main events - Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius, and Venus moving into the sign of Aquarius

Mercury Rx in Aquarius (30 Jan - 21 Feb)

This retrograde will last approximately 22 days, non counting the pre-retrograde and retro-shade periods, both about 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after.

This specific retrograde will occur in the sign of Aquarius during Aquarius season.

Aquarius is an Air sign, and it talks about working together as a community, and is also connected to technological advancements and progress.

Mercury is the first and smallest planet in the solar system. It rules over the Air sign of Gemini and the Earth sign of Virgo, both mutable (think of quicksilver, the other name for Mercury).

Mercury - the god himself - is the Roman equivalent of Hermes, the messenger. So this planet is connected to communication per se already, but also small trips, learning new things, and siblings.

This particular retrograde seems to be dealing with misunderstandings. It will also be a good time for us to reflect, review, and reevaluate (the 3Rs) our presence on social media - since Aquarius deals with technology. As a whole, out relationship with different internet platforms and the role they play in our lives, and how we interact with them and each other will come to the forefront.

Venus moving into Aquarius (01 Feb)

Venus is the planet ruling over Taurus and Libra. It is obviously associated with Love, but also aesthetics, values (material and personal) and of course relationships. romance and how we interact with others

Venus in Aquarius has a sense of idealism, but there is a strong need for reforms that will limit the immoral actions we dislike or downright despise.

Emotional independence is also on the table, what will all the planets in the sign of Aquarius at that moment in time (Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn aaaaaand Venus).

Such an accumulation of planets in one zodiac sign is called a stellium, and it generates a ton of energy that can either be challenging or rewarding depending on the planets involved and their placements. different for each individual chart.

As well as emotional independence, you may expect detachment and use of rationalism. Being co-dependent is out the door and freedom is not to be given up, whether one is in love or not.

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