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Astro Week XI - New Moon in Aries; Juno Rx in Sag (11/12 April)

New Moon in Aries (11/12th April)

As usual, we already talked about the cosmic aspect of a new moon - the sun and the moon in the same constellation, sitting next to each other.

From left to right, top to bottom - New Moon glyph; the Sun and its glyph; the conjunction symbol; the Moon and its glyph; the sign of Aries

It is a very exciting time, as it is a time of infinite potential.

Plus it being a new moon in the first sign of the zodiac, new beginnings are even more prominently brought to the fore.

One thing you can do is write your intentions down & keep them in a jar (or burn them because Aries is a Fire sign).

It’s absolutely alright to ask yourself questions such as “what do I want to accomplish?” or “what do I want to manifest during this period?”, if you need help coming up with intentions or just focusing on what you want to achieve.

Crystals you can use for the new moon are pretty much any black crystals - tourmaline, shungite, onyx, obsidian

Clockwise from left - shungite; obsidian; onyx; black tourmaline

Essential oils & incense - anything spicy like frankincense, ginger or cardamom; fruity like tangerine; or flowery like jasmine

Herbs you can work with are sage, bay, parsley

(from left to right - sage; parsley; bay leaves)

It’s also a great time for doing divination (in my opinion, any time you feel called to is good!).

Juno Rx Sag (12 Apr)

During this Aries season, Juno, one of the asteroids circumnavigating the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, along with Vesta, Ceres and Pallas, is going retrograde, on 12th April.

Juno's glyph; the Sag symbol

Let us first present Juno and what she does.

Juno, in the Roman mythology, was Jupiter’s wife. She is the patron saint of wives and marriage, and is by extension associated with family life. Balanced partnerships and compromising are very important for her. She could be described as halfway between Cancer and Libra.

She will be retrograde into the Fiery sign of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. Sagittarius is all about learning, but at a higher level; it is also interested in spirituality, loves travelling, and generally expanding its horizons in any way possible.

When celestial objects are in retrograde, the attention shifts from outwards to inwards.

If you are in a relationship, this is going to be a propitious time to reflect upon it and see the bigger picture. What does this relationship mean to you? what can you learn from each other on a humane viewpoint? on a spiritual standpoint? in what ways can you grow together?

If you are not in a relationship with anyone, that is also fine. I believe you are always in, and your main focus should be on, the relationship you have with yourself. In what ways can you improve it? how can you get to know more about your Self?

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