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Astro Week X - 30 March - 05 April (Merc in Aries; Last Quarter Moon in Cap)

Mercury in Aries (03 April)

On the third of April, and until the 19th, Mercury (yes, her again), the planet of communication and the intellect, is going to be in the Fire sign of Aries.

(clockwise from top left) Mercury and her glyph, the Aries symbol and the Fire element

Aries are (very broadly speaking) direct, assertive, decisive, independent, bold, ambitious and sometimes unpredictable and impulsive.

And those traits will be reflected in our thinking patterns, or even highlighted more strongly in some cases, during this transit. Watch out for restless, impatient minds that want everything done yesterday XD

It is wise to observe caution during that time, but not always manageable, as words can fly out of our mouths before we actually realise what we said.

For those of us who are more on the meek side, this might be an excellent time to spring into action and speak up, and feel brave enough to share our views with the world.

It’s also a good time to listen to your intuition - your first idea might be the one to go along with, when the powers of Mercury and Aries combine. Watch out cos those lightbulb moments might go as quick as they come, with the Fire of Aries and the mutability of Mercury. Jot things down if you can and don’t doubt your instinct.

The 17th of April might feel a bit (or a lot) intense and dense for some of us. Mercury will be sextile with Jupiter and Mars, which could cause a impulse for higher knowledge, learning something new and staying uplifted.

Clockwise from top left - the sextile glyph; Mars and its symbol, the Jupiter sigil and the planet itself.

However, on the same day, it will also form a square to Pluto in Capricorn. Yes, the planet of rebirth, money and obsessive behaviour, in the sign of work, discipline and karma.

Pluto and its two glyphs.

Careful not to go down a neverending spiral of repeating the same thoughts and replaying the same reels in our heads on that day! try to shake things off and call on the fire of Mars to help you out of that rut.

Last Quarter Moon in Cap

Around the 4th or 5th of April, depending on where you are in the world, the last quarter, or third quarter moon as it is also called, will take place.

Last quarter moons are all about releasing, surrendering, letting go, cleansing, purifying, getting rid of negativity and bad habits, anything that does not serve your highest and greatest good and that of others.

Since this particular one is in the sign of the Seagoat, I would focus on anything to do with work, discipline, rules and reputation.

(the Capricorn glyph)

Release anything that is hindering your growth, any negative habits, anything to do with lack of focus, procrastination, anything standing in your path to become the version of you that you envision.

I would usually use fire magick and write things down to burn them, but since Cap is an Earth sign, I’d bury my paper and wait for nature to do its magick.

Of course, as always, follow with your intuition! whatever you will want to do will work for you, since it’s tailor-made by you!

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