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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week VII - Mercury in Pisces (15 March - 3 April)

We presented Mercury, the planet of Communication and ruler of Gemini and Virgo, in a previous episode [AW ep.2]; Pisces was introduced in AW ep.4.

Mercury's glyph and planet; the Pisces symbol

When Mercury transits in Pisces, we have a tendency to be more creative, to listen more closely to our intuition; our thoughts become more imaginative, colourful. We express ourselves with more compassion and show more vulnerability. We also seek out information that deals with awareness and spirituality.

Our thirst for knowledge (directed by Mercury) suddenly knows no bounds (the sea of Pisces), and thus our minds, knowledge and understanding expand.

Pisces being overall an optimistic sign, we will feel like anything is possible during this transit. Opportunities, it seems, are knocking at our door, and the sky is the limit.

The downside of it all is that we understand things intuitively but might not always find the words to express our thinking processes.

Pisces being a Mutable sign, there is also a chance we might feel scattered, unfocused or even forgetful.

As always, for more info, I would suggest studying your own chart and checking where Mercury is placed and how it affects you.

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