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New Moon in Aquarius/Lunar New Year (12th Feb)

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

On 12th February, the New Moon will be in the sign of Aquarius. Let me explain quickly what happens, and also touch a bit on the New Lunar Year/Chinese New Year that is happening at the same time.

New moons happen when the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. They sit next to each other in a conjunction. It is impossible to see the moon with our naked eyes because of this reason.

The conjunction symbol

Aquarius is an Air sign

The Sun and the Moon with their respective symbols

New moons are a time to make wishes and plant the seeds of our dreams and/or projects.

For small projects or manifestations, things usually come to fruition on completion of the cycle (either for the full moon - a full circle - or for the next cycle to start - 28 days later).

For longer projects, count at least 6 months (for the full moon in the same sign - ex This is a New Moon in Aquarius, the Full Moon will take place in about 6 months, on 22nd of August).

This New Moon being in the progressive sign of Aquarius makes it even more logical that coincides with the start of a new year.

In my first post, I talked about the energy of Aquarius - the rebel, the rule breaker. This energy wants to shake things up and rock the status quo.

Aquarius works for the highest and greatest good of all, regardless of the sacrifices that have to be made. It is also connected to communications, being an Air sign, and more specifically technology.

Despite the fact that this New Moon takes place during Mercury Retrograde, intentions regarding how we communicate with each other and express ourselves, especially through social media, can be set. For example, the wish to be more present on different platforms, to reach out, or be the person others reach out to; wishing for clearer communications; wishing to make changes that will be profitable to your life, regardless of how far away you step from your comfort zone.

This is also, as stated, the start of a New Year in the sign of the Metal Ox.

Metal is the equivalent of Air, which is interesting given that the swords - made of metal, right? - represent the element of Air in the Tarot.

Metal is the toughest element in the Chinese Astrology (we have 5 elements instead of 4 in the Western Zodiac - Metal, Earth, Wood, Water, and Fire). Its qualities are persistence, determination, strength, rigidity - to name but a few.

The Ox resembles most our Earth signs, more specifically Taurus and Capricorn, with its attributes of hard work, discipline, reliability, and patience. It feels like a very grounded but also decisive energy.

It will be a good year to build or rebuild things, as long as we are willing to put in the efforts.

It is said that wearing metals (silver, gold) can increase your luck, as well as the following colours - green, yellow, and white.

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