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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Astro Week III - 17-23 Feb (Saturn, Mercury, Pisces season)

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

Saturn Square Uranus in Aquarius (17th Feb)

This transit will be interesting and important because of the planets and signs involved.

Aquarius is a fixed sign, traditionally ruled by Saturn, and co-ruled in more modern times by Uranus.

Saturn - the planet associated with discipline, karma, rules, anything “by the book” -

will be in the free-spirited sign of Aquarius.

Saturn and its glyph

Aquarius' glyph

Uranus - the planet dealing with radical change and taking a leap of faith - will be in the conservative, also fixed, sign of Taurus.

Uranus and its glyph

Taurus' glyph

Those forces oppose each other, but can also attract great opportunities.

The possible themes emerging from this square can be, but are not limited to - resistance to change; internal dilemmas; transforming one’s beliefs; creating new programs, and dismantling old structures.

Pay close attention to the houses and signs Saturn and Uranus are placed in in your natal chart.

Sun in Pisces (18th Feb)

The Sun will be moving into the waters of the Piscean constellation.

Happy birthday to all my Pisces babies! This season, we will be connected to our spirituality, our creativity, our sensitive side for sure. Expect inspiration to arise, introspection to take place, some indecision (since Pisces is a mutable sign, which means flexible - but also very shifty).

The Sun and its glyph

Pisces' glyph

Mercury goes Direct (20th Feb)

Finally, Mercury is coming out of its retrograde, but slowly - the retroshade period will last for about two weeks until things go back to their normal speed.

This redirection is synonymous with optimism and maturity. We have gone through the reviewing and reassessing phases we talked about at the beginning of Mercury Rx.

The inner work has been done so we can now move forward with a clean slate in hand.

It will be a time for reconciliation, new projects and reconnecting with friends, if that has not already been the case.

Mercury and its glyph

Ceres in Aries (21st Feb)

Ceres is the smallest dwarf planet but considered the biggest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter; it orbits there along with its sisters Pallas, Juno, and Vesta.

It is connected to agriculture and health but also motherhood in a general sense as well as nourishment.

As it enters the fiery sign of Aries, we will be called to be self-sufficient,dynamic and physically active to channel any excessive energy as it could potentially turn into irritation or even anger if we are not careful.

Ceres' glyph

Aries' glyph

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