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AWXXXVI - First Quarter Moon in Cap (12 Oct)

On 12th October, we are having a First Quarter Moon taking place in the Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn.

We have often said it, First Quarter Moons are a a good time to move forward with aligned action. If you haven’t yet, make a plan, take advantage of this Earth energy to get organised - what do you need to do to help manifest the intentions you set during the New Moon? It’s time to meet the Universe halfway.

If you didn’t set any intentions, there is always an area in your life you can get more organised in - whether it has to do with work, laundry, meal prep, you name it! There is always a little something you can improve on to make your life better.

It’s going to be a good time to feel goal oriented, practical, and focus on long-term plans. Are there any skills we’d like to brush up on, develop, or learn? Again, practical things that are most likely related to work/business.

Moon in Capricorn people do not shy away from responsibilities and leadership. Their pentacle energy is all about material and physical, tangible achievements. They are resourceful and make the most of what they have - so it is that energy we are likely to be tapping in during this transit.

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