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Full Moon in Aries (20 Oct)

This Full Moon in Aries is occurring while the Sun is in the opposite sign of Libra. It is going to be the time to reap the harvest of the seeds we planted two prior during the New Moon.

It will be an interesting push and pull energy as, while Libra is about the others, Aries is about the self. The energies are likely to be felt in the fields of relationships for about two weeks, until the New Moon in Scorpio.

It will be about finding a balance between compromising and being self-assertive.

This energy is most likely to affect you if you ahem Libra and/or Aries in your direct chart (Sun/Moon/Rising) or if you are either of the other cardinal signs - Cancer or Capricorn.

You might find yourself with a lot of pent up energy - that is perfectly normal. That energy will need to be released whether orally or through writing, but in a level-headed way.

Exercising or just moving the body through yoga, dancing, running or any other way will also help with the release of this fiery energy.

Once this energy has been released, it will make room for new beginnings, new experiences and epiphanies to take place.

This Full Moon is also known as the Hunter’s Moon.

The organs to watch closely during this transit are the head, teeth, and arteries mainly.

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