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AWXXXVIII - Mars in Scorpio, Last Quarter Moon in Leo (25 - 31 Oct)

Mars in Scorpio - 30th Oct - 13th Dec

The planet of War and Action is moving into the sign of Rebirth and Transformation. In Traditional astrology Mars is actually the ruler of Scorpio, so it will be feeling right at home.

The intensity and thoroughness of Scorpio will marry well with the fire of Mars, pushing us to take transformative action and follow our ambition. We are going to feel unstoppable and tenacious!

Watch out however for the fire as the Kraken can be and will be unleashed if we feel restricted or like we’re being told what to do. Resistance will be removed, but we need to choose our battles carefully as all of that activity can be draining - not just for us, but also for the people around us.

The trick here will be to harness and redirect that fire into creative projects and things we are passionate about.

Last Quarter Moon in Leo - 28th Oct

Last quarter moons, or third quarter moons, are a great time to release anything that we feel we have outgrown, including people and places. Cleaning our homes, emptying cupboards and wardrobes are also helpful activities that are guaranteed to make us feel lighter and more clear-minded.

Since this moon phase is going to be in Leo, we can use the fire of the Fixed sign to burn away things we wish to get rid of - or people. Make a list, read it out, and burn that shit! Visualise it being taken up to the skies, your worries lifted; take a deep breath - and so it is.

Third quarter moons are also a good time to rest and look after ourselves. Our bodies will tell us what to do.

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