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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

New Moon in Libra (06 October)

Libra is the Cardinal Air Sign, ruled by Venus, like the Fixed Earth Sign of Taurus. Venus deals with personal values and material valuables, our sense of self worth, partnerships and relationships, and the Arts. It’s a very Epicurean planet, meaning it wants us to experience earthy, physical things through all our senses.

This New Moon in Libra herald the beginning of a cycle where we focus on harmony in the way we interact and relate to others, and how we find balance within. It’s a time for learning not to back down and compromise our values, but rather stand our ground in a peaceful but strong way, and not be afraid to speak for ourselves despite what others may think.

It is also a good time to ground, meditate, be fully present, as well as work out budgets (since Venus rules over our own money)

Pampering oneself is also on the menu - hot bath, candles, incense, essential oils, tea - treat yourself! However keep in mind the following organs as they are ruled over by Libra - kidneys, bladder, veins and pancreas.

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