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New Moon in Leo/ Lion's Gate Portal

This New Moon in Leo is happening on the 08/09th of August depending on where you are situated in the world.

The 08 of Aug or 08/08 is also said to be the highest point of the Lion’s Gate which is a portal to the star of Sirius, opening from the end of July until roughly mid-August.

This New Moon and Portal are said to bring in new energies, light/sun codes, downloads and just help in general with the awakening wave that has been taking place over the past months.

If you haven’t yet experienced anything of the sort (but I’m pretty sure if you are here, then you most probably have), get ready for your perception and awareness to expand, for prosperity (8 is associated with abundance and infinity), and for your reality to shift - for the better.

Astrologically speaking, Leo is a fire sign and rules over the 5th house of entertainment, children, happiness. It is governed by the Sun and (besides the suit of Wands which is associated to the element of Fire), it is represented by two major Arcanas - the Sun (XIX) and Strength (VIII).

It is a fun-seeking, creative sign, so you might want to make some special time just for your Self to do something you enjoy - perhaps a creative endeavour - baking something, painting, dancing, and so on.

As you can probably tell, the energies are going to be potent - some of you can already feel them. Make sure as usual that you are well rested and hydrated, and ground or meditate when you can.

So our focus today is going to be on what this portal is opening for you. What new cycle is this new moon bringing in your life?

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