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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Mercury Retrograde in Libra (27 Sep - 18 Oct)

On 27th September, the infamous but cute Mercury is going into Retrograde for what is going to be the last time this year.

This movement is happening in the Cardinal Air sign of Libra who deals with partnerships and balance, so it is more than likely that we are going to be reminiscing about old flames, friendships that didn’t last the test of time, and revisit situations that we wish we had handled better.

As usual expect people from the past to show up, call you out of the blue or get in touch one way or another.

With this transit, we will officially have a total of seven planets in Retrograde - Mercury in Libra, Jupiter in Aqua, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn.

So if you’re feeling under the weather and don’t really know know - remember the planets are having a moment right now, so give yourself some space and be patient with your Self.

It will be normal for things to feel stagnant. Remember to put yourself first and take care of yourself. The retrograde will last for 3 weeks, and the retroshade for two, until Mercury goes back up to speed on 18th October.

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