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Full Moon in Pisces (20 Sep)

On the 20th of September, we are having a Full Moon in Pisces, since the Sun is in opposition in the polarity of Virgo.

It is the time where our intentions reach fulfilment - especially this Full Moon as it is called a Harvest Moon - the name is pretty much self-explanatory.

It is also a high time for romance and fertility - whether it is literally, physically, or creatively.

The Mutable Earth sign of Virgo deals with the things we do on the daily, our routines, and how we organise ourselves, as well as what we grow and consume, and how we treat Mother Earth.

The Mutable Water sign of Pisces, on the other hand, is all about creating, delving into magical abilities, our dreams, the unconscious. It is a very sensitive and perceptive sign, as well as imaginative. This will be a good time to take on a creative project as all those qualities will be heightened - particularly if you have a Mutable sign (Sag, Gem, Virgo & Pisces) in your direct chart, Sun Moon, and/or Rising.

This is going to be a powerful and possibly quite intense time as we will be called to find the balance between the Spirit and the Body, to put it simply. We will also need to stay motivated in order to turn our dreams into reality - and not just end up being consumed by our fantasies.

The energy is going to be felt during the fortnight following this Full Moon, so make sure your intentions are clear. This Full Moon is bringing a polarity between masculine and feminine energies, and this is why we need to find a balance between work and home, what we need and what we want. If we don’t, it is going to lead to pressure and tensions, both internal and external that are guaranteed to drain our energy.

The organs to keep an eye on during this event are the feet, toes and pineal gland mainly.

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