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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

Full Moon in Aquarius (23/24 Aug)

This is the 1st of TWO full moons we’ll be having in the sign of Aquarius, as they are both occurring during Leo season. If you were wondering if one of them is a Blue Moon - it isn’t. One is happening in July and the other one in August. A Blue Moon is the second of two Full Moons occurring on the same month.

When a Full Moon occurs, the moon is in opposition to the Sun

Aquarius is an Air sign and deals with anything ‘avant-garde’, especially technology, social media, anything that feels even remotely futuristic.

Aquarius is all about Freedom - personal and collective; spiritual, emotional, physical freedom. This will be a good time to release anything that you feel is binding and weighing you down - especially denser emotions such anger, fear, resentment.

The main themes to focus on, journal on, revisit even will be making and maintaining authentic relationships, and letting go of the past.

Pay special attention to your calves, ankles, shins, Achilles heels during those conjunctions and avoid any surgery/hospital stays if you can.

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