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AWXXXIII - Vesta in Scorpio, Sun in Libra

Vesta in Scorpio - 20 Sept- 16 Nov

One of the asteroids circumnavigating the belt between Mars and Jupiter along with Juno, Pallas and Ceres.

Vesta is the Roman equivalent of Hestia, the goddess of the Hearth, the Home and the Family. She is usually represented by a fire, or “eternal flame”, that symbolises our drive and passion. She encourages us to keep pushing until we achieve our goals.

Here in the Fixed Water Sign of Scorpio, she will find herself even more passionate, and more determined to shine the light on hidden topics, or unfinished business.

Expect issues regarding the «traditional family» and gender roles to be brought up and powerful shifts relating to those dynamics to occur as well.

Sun moving in Libra - 22nd Sep - 23rd Oct

Libra season is debuting, happy birthday to all Libra babies!

Libra is the Zodiac sign represented by an object and teaches us not only about balance but about mirroring. We realise more clearly during Libra season that we are all mirrors of each other, and that in order for harmony to reign, we need to find balance within and without. Often that will translates as compromising and meeting each other halfway.

The challenges that come with this will be difficulties to make a decision («Why not both?»), moving forward with inspired action, and keeping the peace when we really shouldn’t.

This will be a good time for socialising, making new friends and treating others how we wish to be treated.

Partnerships, public relations, mediation, counselling, as well as being more aware of one’s own self-worth, will be strong ongoing themes of this season.

Libra being ruled by Venus, we will also feel a love for the finest things in life - spending quality time with friends and family, lounging, good food and good wine and of course Art.

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