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AWXXXII (Mars in Libra, FQM Sag) 13- 19 Sept

From 14th September until 30th October, the planet of war and decision-making, Mars, will be transiting in the Cardinal Air Sign of Libra. This will bring a push and pull in our feelings and interactions with others. There might be a concern about being the «bad cop» but also some passive-aggressiveness - which are shadow attributes of this transit.

Instead we will be called to aim for courtesy and cooperation, instead of competitiveness and/or conflict.

Being in the sign of Libra, this energy will be mainly focused on relationships, partnerships, whether with personal or selected family, friends or co-workers.

Building bridges instead of burning them - for once.

We will be trying to find the fine line between assertiveness and validation of the other’s point of view - not trying to undermine anyone, but not being a pushover either.

This is going to be about coming up with win-win solutions, championing success for all on all levels. Avoid siding up with others for fear of retaliation - because that is probably what is going to play out anyway. Speaking our mind with grace and poise even if that means rocking the status quo.

On 13th Sept, we are having a First Quarter Moon is taking place in the Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius

First Quarter Moons are a a good time to keep moving forward & putting plans into action. It is a period of commitment, strength, and determination towards the intentions we set during the New Moon we had the previous week, especially if those intentions involve long travels and relocation

It is a great time to feel confidence in your success; thinking that your success is not only guaranteed, it is undeniable.

People who have their moon in Sag (or even Sag suns) will tell you - they are on a never ending quest for knowledge. They love learning as it helps them define what their purpose here on Earth is, what gives their life meaning. They feel indestructible and tend to always see the bright side in most situations.

Organs to watch out for during this transit are the liver, thighs, tailbone, and hips.

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