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AW XXXV - Pluto direct in Cap, Venus in Sag, Ceres Rx in Gem, Saturn Direct in Aqua (04 - 10 Oct)

A lot of things happening in the stars, 2 planets are coming out of retrograde whereas one asteroid is going in retrograde - let’s delve into it.

Pluto direct in Cap - 06 October

Pluto is turning direct in the Cardinal Earth sign of Cap, after being in retrograde for 5 months. That means that things that were kept hidden and secret will start surfacing (like that body you threw in the canal). Pluto is a very potent planet, and it will push us to confront the parts of ourselves we are uncomfortable with, so we can shed light on them. This is going to be, as you probably assumed, very transformative energy. Expect deep changes ahead.

We will also be called to take action and move forward. Feeling empowered is also on the menu, our ambition and drive will be intensified.

Venus in Sag - 07 Oct - 4 November

Venus is stepping into the Mutable Fire of Sag. This energy is likely to be flamboyant, playful and optimistic.

Sagittarius is all about truth, freedom and love of all, for all. We will feel the wind beneath our winds and the push to live our lives to the fullest, enjoy every moment, and truly love ourselves.

We might also feel adventurous and get new experiences - whether in relationships, money or art endeavours. Watch out however for impulse buys - try to spend on experience and education.

Anything that feels tired and restricting is likely to get the boot, as we are pushed to expand further. Any type of routine will be banished at this time.

Going with the flow and not taking ourselves too seriously will be required during this transit. Keep things light and breezy! Positivity breeds positivity.

Ceres Rx in Gem - 08 Oct

Ceres is going retrograde in Gem for about a year. Contrary to other retrogrades were the attention is turned inwards, this retrograde will have us reach out to others and interact. This Gemini energy will be adaptable, but also elusive. We need to be careful not to overdo things and spread ourselves too thin.

For some of us, we will literally be stepping out of a Hermit period and meeting people face to face. It will be a time to readapt to that, relearn some habits and behaviours.

This will be the time to communicate but also listen. There is a saying I feel completely fits this transit - «We have two ears and one mouth, so we can listen twice as much as we speak».

Taking the time to sit down and have a good, enjoyable talk is going to be on the cards. Reading and learning new things will also help us feel more mentally balanced. Likewise, if we are feeling sad or overwhelmed, we should reach out and not keep our feelings to ourselves, as that will only add to built up anxiety and confusion.

Saturn Direct in Aqua - 10 Oct

Saturn is back to remind us about responsibilities and goals. We are likely to get more clarity on what it is that we want and what we should do to get it.

We are emerging from a period of cutting things and people out that were holding us down, and are now ready to take responsibility for ourselves.

Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign preoccupied with being of service to the Community. What are we bringing to society? It doesn’t have to be something grandiloquent, it can just mean being friendly to neighbours, smiling to strangers, helping out a few hours a week at a shelter, every little helps.

Aquariuses are visionaries, avant-gardists, creators - now will be the time to go forth with a business idea that can benefit most - an app, a YT channel, a TT account (Aquarius rules over technology and gadgets). Anything of that nature. If you feel called to do it, follow your intuition.

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