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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

AW XXXI -Venus in Scorpio

On 10th September 2021, the planet of relationships, harmony, money, aesthetics is entering secretive, profound and intense Scorpio, and remaining there until 7th October.

This is going to be very transformative energy, especially in the fields of emotional connections (whether family, friends, or partners) and financial responsibility.

As a reminder, Scorpio is ruled over by Pluto, which deals with other people’s money, as well as sexuality.

This transit might feel very fiery and passionate, since we have love on the one hand and sex on the other hand - some of us might be getting it on.

But mainly this will be the opportunity for us to look at what we consider to be taboos, how we view intimacy and sensuality, as well as our relationship with money. Investments and shared resources might also come up for us to look at and re-evaluate.

This transit might not surprisingly bring about a need for change, something more exciting; we’re getting ready to move towards the unknown and challenge the things we hold to be true.

Some topics to watch out for would be jealousy, feeling possessive, and over -controlling as those can be the shadow attributes of Scorpio.

As usual, I close with the advice for you to look at your chart and see how this transit is going to affect you - in which house does your Venus stand? Which sign? Same thing goes for Scorpio - you might feel this transfer more intensely if you are a Scorpio Sun, Moon or Rising, or if you already have Venus in Scorpio, for example.

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