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  • Writer's picturePixie Moons

AW XXX - Mercury in Libra

On 30th August, Mercury is leaving the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo to enter the Cardinal Air sign of Libra (spoiler alert - she’s going Retrograde in that same sign later on).

First line -Mercury and her glyph; Mutable mood

Second line - Earth element; Virgo symbol; Cardinal moon

Third line - Air element; Libra symbol

During this transit, we are more likely to talk things through in order to get to a compromise, a middle ground, so that no-one loses face so to speak. We are eager to find balance both in our speech and in our minds. We are being friendlier, more understanding and tend to see both sides of a situation.

The flip side of the coin is that we may have a hard time making decisions (or a hardER time if you’re an Air sign :p); we might also not be assertive enough and let people get away with things just so we don’t go through the gruelling feeling that arguments tend to give us. We also don’t want to be seen as the “bad cop”.

Libras also love aesthetic things - we might be inclined to talk about Art more than usual or read Art books, or even anything to do with psychology or public relations - understanding and communicating with others, as well as finding psychological well-being.

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