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AW XXVIII (Uranus Rx in Taurus, Venus in Libra, FQM in Scorpio)

Uranus Rx Taurus (19 Aug - 18 Jan)

Let us start with Uranus, the “trouble-maker” of the stars, and partial ruler of Aquarius.

Every year, he goes retrograde for 155 days.

This year, he’s been stationed in Taurus, and is now going retrograde for basically 5 months in the Fixed Earth sign. The last time this happened was 80 years ago!

How is going to affect us?

The effects will vary depending on your sign and which house(s) Uranus is going to be transiting in - which is why I always recommend looking at your chart closely.

But let’s have an overview of the energies here at play.

There will a need for independence and freedom, but careful with our decisions. When the need to make numerous sudden changes arises, we will be asked to sit down and ground, and avoid being rash. We might feel challenged outwardly so the key will be to go inward and inspect those changes, and if they are really needed and beneficial for us.

Venus in Libra (16 Aug - 10 Sep)

Beautiful Venus is going to transit one of the signs she rules over, namely the Cardinal Air sign of Libra, for a very short period of time.

Venus likes to focus on value - whether it is moral or material, aesthetics and relationships.

Libra is a sign who loves being of help and on good terms with everyone, as much as it is possible for them to do so.

We might feel that vibe in the way we deal with others - feeling more inclined to find a compromise, to negotiate instead of wanting things to go our way or the highway.

Actually, people trying to use any intimidating tactics on us or bing downright rude will leave us completely unimpressed. [resting bitch face]

Careful however not to be too dependent on people pleasing, or even avoid difficult situations we don’t want to address, but should. We could also feel “hopelessly romantic” or even idealise a situation that doesn’t deserve to be.

We will also be looking for inner balance, as well as feeling more artistically inclined. Let your inner child play, I say!

First Quarter Moon in Scorpio (15 Aug)

The first quarter Moon is upon us again, this time in the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio.

This is likely to bring us insights that we needed - most likely through the form of messages so pay attention to your dreams especially, or to anything that seems sort of unreal or illogical at first as the answer to that might be revealed in a dream! It will also be a great time to listen to our intuition! If anything looks or sounds suspish - it probably is. The same thing goes with people.

Since it is a FQM, we might feel called to take action on something - you will know what. It might just be something as practical as taxes or accounting (since Scorpio deals with other people’s money), or any inner work or research you might feel called to undertake.

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