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Astro Week XXVI - Jupiter Rx Aquarius; Mars in Virgo; Ceres in Gem; Last Quarter Moon in Taurus

Jupiter Rx in Aqua (28 Jul - 18 Oct)

Jupiter; the Retrograde symbol; the Aquarius glyph

So Jupiter, ruler of Sag, went retrograde in Pisces on the 20th June, and is continuing to move backwards, now stationing in Aquarius, until it goes direct in Cap around the 17/18th October.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion (as it is the biggest planet in our solar system), but when it goes retrograde, this expansion is turned inwards. While it is in the community-minded sign of Aquarius, it brings us clarity as how our ideas (since Aquarius is an Air sign, it deals mainly with thoughts and communication) affect the collective.

Retrogrades are a very good time as well to work details out and assess how we have been leading our lives up until now. This Jupiter retrograde is asking us to re-evaluate how we have been expanding so far, what we have learnt in terms of higher studies, how we can apply that knowledge to improve our lives, and in which ways we wish to expand next.

What the rest of our 2021 is going to look like, basically.

Also keep an eye out for what you may have felt were missed opportunities coming back around. Jupiter talks about enthusiasm, optimism and joy, so this will be the right time to follow your bliss.

Mars in Virgo (29 July - 14 Sep)

Mars; the Virgo symbol

The red planet is transiting in the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo. During this time we might be feeling more hardworking than usual (careful if you’re an Earth sign, Sun Moon or Rising not to overwork yourself til burnout).

We will be extremely keen on doing right by us and others, and making sure all the Ts are crossed and the Is are dotted. Performance and precision at work will become our main focus points.

We might also be called to multitask (maybe more than usual for us Mutable signs!).

Make sure you take constructive criticism in a positive way and not too much to heart. Try to avoid nagging and making sure you prove your point - we’ve all been there and we know it’s not cute.

You might also get irritated by people who do not seem to be working as hard as you are. Again, try to take some distance from the whole thing and cool off. Focus on your plans and how to organise them.

For some of us, you might also become hellbent on changing your diet, or exercising, or just improving your health overall. Again, careful not to overdo it; remember to take time out to rest, rejuvenate, and recharge your batteries.

Ceres in Gemini

The Ceres glyph; Gemini

We talked about Ceres in ep. 4 & 15. This asteroid is one of the four orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, along with her sisters Juno, Pallas and Vesta.

Ceres talks about how we nurture ourselves and others, as well as what makes us feel nurtured. Ceres being the equivalent of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, is it directly connected to clothes and food.

While this astral object is in the constellation of Gemini, we will feel more nurtured through words and communication with others. Listening and being listened to is going to be on the forefront, as well as uplifting others and making them feel valued and appreciated.

We will also be looking forward to feeling appreciated in return for our good words and witty comments.

Good self-care activities during this time include journaling, reading up on a new subject, learning, and creative writing.

LQM Taurus (31 July)

Last Quarter/Third Quarter Moon; the Fixed symbol; the Earth glyph; Taurus

Third Quarter Moons are a good time for re-evaluating our goals and how we are going about them. It is a potent time between the completion of the Full Moon and the new beginnings of the New Moon, so it is best for us to use it wisely and revise what has not worked so far and what we can do to change that.

Right after, we are entering the Waning or Balsamic Moon phase, which will be a good time to rest, and reset.

This Last Quarter Moon is taking place in the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus. This sign deals with our values (personal and material), how we experience life through our senses, our assets, our self-care as well.

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